A Fond Farewell
A month ago I had the pleasure of handing over two of Minerva’s first diplomas to these two amazing students from Minerva’s founding class. Over the past 7 years I’ve been involved in bringing life to this endeavor from coding the initial software to living with the students in our first international campus in Berlin. I poured my heart and soul into this project and I couldn’t be prouder of the results.
Yearly Goals Summary - 2018
Selenium Click Capturing
If you’ve worked with Selenium for any length of time you’ll have encountered a test where Selenium occassionally errors out with:
Correct Uses of onShow and onRender in Marionette
For the past few months, I have been consistently stymied by Marionette’s built-in onShow and onRender methods.
Ignite San Francisco
I’ve been to Mission High school twice in the past couple of months for an event put on by Ignite, an organization started in Seattle to connect young women in middle and high school with professional women working in STEM fields.